Monday 23 November 2015

How to prevent Medicines and Cleaners Accidents

Chemical preparations of any sort, whether in the form of medicines or household cleaners should always be treated with caution. Continue...

  • Consider having a proper lockable cabinet fitted in the kitchen for medicines and chemicals where it is more likely to be supervised
  • Keep medicines in their original containers, clearly labelled
  • Do not take other people’s medicine, or let them take yours
  • Return leftover medicines to the pharmacist for destruction - don’t hoard them
  • Keep medicines, chemical and cleaning products such as bleach, turps and caustic soda where children cannot see or reach them
  • Chemicals used in the garden, garage or workshop need to be used and stored with great care. Store them in a safe place where children can’t see or reach them
  • Keep cosmetics, perfumes and essential oils away from children.

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