Monday 23 November 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Food is any edible substance which when taken into the body causes growth, development and nourishes the body. Poison is any thing that can harm someone if it is used in the wrong way, used by the wrong person or used in the wrong amount. Continue...
Food poisoning also called food-borne illness is a common yet distressing and sometimes life-threatening problem for millions of people all over the world. It is caused by eating or drinking contaminated food/water. Infectious organisms including various bacteria, staphylococcus, salmonella, viruses and parasites are the most common causes of food poisoning. People infected with food-borne organisms may be symptom-free or may have symptoms ranging from mild intestinal discomfort to severe dehydration and bloody diarrhea. Depending on the type of infection, people can even die as a result of food poisoning.

Food can be contaminated at any stage during its production, processing or cooking. It can affect one person or a group of people  who all ate the same contaminated food. The germs get into the food in different ways:
  Meat that comes in contact with bacteria from the intestine of an animal that is   being processed.
Any food prepared by someone with poor hygiene.
Undercooked meat or eggs.
Water from a well or stream that has not been treated.
Any food prepared by using cooking utensils that are not properly cleaned.
Frozen or refrigerated foods that are not stored at the proper temperature.
Food containing mayonnaise that have been out of the refrigerator too long.
  Keeping cooked food unrefrigerated for more than an hour.
  Eating food that has been touched by someone who is ill with diarrhea and vomiting.
Cross contamination.
      Cross contamination is also the transfer of harmful organisms from one surface to another. Most raw and ready –to-eat foods such as salad are the main causes of food poisoning because these foods are not cooked so the harmful organisms are not destroyed before eating.
Abdominal Cramps
Diarrhea (may be bloody)
Fever and chills
Vomiting (sometimes)
Loss of appetite
Signs and symptoms may start within hours after eating the contaminated food or even days or weeks later. Most people get better without treatment but in severe cases, hospitalization may be required. It can also persist for several days.

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