Monday 23 November 2015


Proper hygiene is to be practiced to prevent food poisoning. Be careful of the types of food you buy i.e. canned foods. Ensure you do not buy if cans are opened or ruptured. Always check for expiry date. Washing hands thoroughly and cooking food properly is very important in preventing food poisoning. Good cooking, processing and storage prevent food poisoning. Continue...

Avoid eating raw or undercooked meat or poultry products, including eggs.
Avoid "cross-contamination" which can occur if food is being prepared using the same utensils, or on the same surfaces, as those used for raw or undercooked meats or poultry products.
Wash hands frequently during and after food preparation. Those with a salmonella infection should not be involved in food preparation.

Wash hands with soap after handling birds or after contact with pet faeces and also avoid contact between infants or people with weakened immune systems.
Drink a lot of water and ORT to replace fluids and minerals lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
Get plenty of rest.

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