Friday 27 November 2015

Health Benefits from C24/7

The “Next Generation” nutritional food supplements from Nature’s Way!!!
Take high-quality NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS:  Continue...

Optimizes natural defence against diseases


Provide nutrients, vitamins and

    minerals at optimal levels

Health Benefits from C24/7

Promotes longevity

Enhances, nourishes and strengthen the immune system

Improves male and female fertility

Enhances sexual vitality

Lowers cholesterol level

Helps prevent cancer of any origin

Controls blood sugar level

Detoxifies the body

Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety

Protects against heart disease and its complications
 For more details on how to start and Register

Contact the Major Distributor, 
Njoku Ikechukwu 
on +234803-557-2742 or
email :


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