Monday 23 November 2015

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer

A slow developing cancer that starts in the interior lining of the cervix. Over time the changes build up and a pre-cancerous condition called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) develops. 
This change can progress to cancer, but this is not always the case. Continue...

SO Where is the Cervix?
1.       Uterus (womb) - location where a developing baby is found.
2.       Cervix - region connecting the uterus to the vagina

The Causes

  • The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the necessary cause of cervical cancer.
  • Unlike many other cancers (e g Breast), it is not genetically transmitted.
  • The HPV has been extensively studied.
  • It is sexually transmitted.
  • Having sex before age 18 increases your risk of HPV. Immature cells seem to be more susceptible to the precancerous changes that HPV can cause.
  • Many sexual partners, early sexual exposure, Other STD’s
  • UV Radiation (sun, tanning bed)
  • Tobacco (cigarettes and smokeless) 

How to reduce your cancer risk

  • DO: use sunscreen
  • DON’T: excessively exposure yourself to UV radiation (tanning beds, sun)
  • DO: get available vaccines
  • DON’T: Smoke
  • DO: make healthy lifestyle choices

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