Thursday 5 May 2016

How to Make Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) By NPHCDA

Oral Rehydration Solution is made by mixing Oral Rehydration Salts with water. Oral Rehydration Salts are sold in sachets and can be found in many medicine shops. Ask for ORS

To make Oral Rehydration Solution:
·         Boil 1 liter (2 big mineral bottles) of water. Let the water cool after boiling.
·         Mix 1 sachet of Oral Rehydration Salts in this water. Give the solution to your child to drink. Continue...

If you can’t find Oral Rehydration Salts:
You can make a ‘Salt-Sugar Solution’ rehydration drink for your child if you cannot find ORS from your medicine shop.

To make ‘Salt-Sugar Solution’
·         Boil 1 liter (2 big mineral bottles) of water. Let the water cool after boiling.
·         Add ½ level teaspoon of cooking salt to the water
·         Add 8 level teaspoons of sugar to the water
·         Give the solution to your child to drink.

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