Sunday 20 December 2015

6 Beauty Tips for Cutting-Edges

In the past few years, the science of skin care has burgeoned -- and because of that we’ve seen an influx of seemingly strange skin care products -- exotic oils you apply to clean skin and hair and live skin cells that refresh your face. But rest assured, you’re not living in a sci-fi novel. These new treatments do exist. Read on, to hear about some of the newest cutting-edge beauty tips. Continue...

1. Find the Right Oil for Your Skin

Putting oil on your skin may feel counterintuitive, but as founder and CEO of Kat Burki Skincare Kat Burki explains, “Using the right oils actually balances the production of oil in your skin rather than the common misconception of leaving your skin greasy and prone to breakouts.” According to Burki, oils can reduce the signs of aging and refine skin’s texture for a healthier, smoother appearance. When choosing the right oil for your skin, Burki recommends sticking to oils that are cold-pressed. “Cold-pressed choices such as Tamanu oil are higher in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, resulting in increased cell turnover, faster skin regeneration and strong healing abilities.” Her Raw Beauty line features a beauty elixir rich in cold-pressed, vitamin C-enriched rosehip and Tamanu oils that heal, soothe and strengthen skin.

2. Eat (and Apply) Your Vitamins

“It is challenging for our skin to get vital nutrients from food because less than 1 percent of the vitamins we ingest ever make their way to the skin,” says Celeste Hilling, founder and CEO of Skin Authority. That’s why she recommends applying vitamins topically. “Think of it as a ‘nutrition sandwich’” she says. “You want to eat well to be healthy inside and apply externally to restore the exterior strength and beauty.” Vitamin A, which can be applied topically to reduce wrinkles, firm and tighten skin and protect against UV radiation, can also be found in sweet potatoes, carrots, green tea, broccoli and pumpkin. Vitamin C -- a cofactor in the production of collagen for firmer, tighter skin -- boosts UV protection when worn under sunscreen. And if you’re incorporating it into your diet, vitamin C helps improve immune defense against cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems and eye disease. One pomegranate can supply 40 percent of your daily requirement. Other foods rich in C include oranges, broccoli, cantaloupe and tomatoes. Vitamin D can help improve skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis and heavy wrinkling, as well as health conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, bone loss and depression. Get plenty of dietary vitamin D from fatty fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel or with liver, mushrooms and egg yolks.

3. Oil Up Your Smile

To achieve healthier gums and cleaner teeth naturally, Tara Levesque-Vogel, D.M.D., of Levesque Family Dentistry in Nashua, New Hampshire, advises an ancient Indian Ayurvedic practice called “oil pulling.” She says it’s surprisingly potent. The technique involves swishing the mouth with coconut oil, and it’s been found to be more effective than antibacterial mouth rinses in killing bacteria. “I’ve recommended it to my patients with gum disease and those who develop decay easily,” Dr. Levesque-Vogel says. “The results have been amazing!” As an added bonus, coconut oil also protects your skin and hair from harsh winters and dry summers

4. Power Up Your Skin Care

The most effective treatments are the ones with not only the best ingredients but also the best equipment. As Florida-based master esthetician and spa owner Nancy Reagan says, “Ingredients these days are mega-powerful. They are fortified with peptides, stem cells, high-dose vitamins and telomeres. With the combination of ingredients and machines, clients get better results that last longer, and as master estheticians, we can actually physically affect the performance of the skin DNA. We can ultrasonically exfoliate the skin without harming the skin. We can ultrasound-penetrate potent ingredients into the skin with up to 10,000 times more absorption than just applying with your hands. We can lift muscles with electrical microcurrent that stimulates the ADP, a molecule that transmits energy through the skin. It’s like the muscle giving the face a workout like going to the gym!”

5. Don’t Be Afraid of “Acid” on the Label

Stimulation is another word for exfoliation, says Ben Johnson, M.D., creator of Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare. “To best take advantage of this process, try products made with glycolic acid. This ingredient is now found in many creams and serums and is a rejuvenating ingredient. The skin doesn’t have glycolic-acid receptors, so your body’s method of action is simply to destroy whatever it can.” Basically, the glycolic acid removes the damaged layers of skin so that your body can replace them with new layers.

6. Go Deeper Without Damage

So how do you stimulate the skin without damaging it? Ben Johnson, M.D., creator of Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare recommends retinaldehyde. “The key remodeling components in the skin are the body’s fibroblasts,” he says. “They make collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans, all of which are critical to a youthful appearance.” Retinaldehyde stimulates fibroblasts and synthesizes collagen by converting it to retinoic acid.

What does your beauty regimen look like? What’s your favorite beauty product? Have you ever tried any of these treatments to keep your skin healthy and looking young? What worked best for you? Or maybe there was a crazy skin care solution that’s better left untried? Let us know in the comments below.

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