Thursday, 5 May 2016

How to treat Children Diarrhoea (Runny Stomach) by NPHCDA

Most children who die from diarrhoea die because they do not have enough water left in their bodies. This is called dehydration. Any child with watery Diarrhoea is in danger of dehydration. You must act quickly to prevent death.

What to do when your child has diarrhoea: Give your child plenty of water to drink. If available, give your child Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). If you can't find ORS, give your child ‘Salt-Sugar Solution’. Give your child frequent sips of ORS or ‘salt-sugar’. Give at least 1 teacupful for every watery stool. Continue...

Give your child 20mg Zinc tablets for ten days. If your child is less than 6 months old, give 10mg each day. If you can’t find zinc, ask your health worker to help. If your child will take food, give food often. Not feeding your child can make diarrhea worse. If your child is a baby, keep giving breast milk often and before other drinks.

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