Saturday 11 June 2016

Unveiled Secret: Special Opportunity for Youth to meet with distinguished Women

 This is to invite the general public to WiLAT (Women in Logistics & Transports)
Date: Sunday 12th June, 2016               Time: 10.00am
Meeting Point: Federal Ministry of Transportation, Bukar Dipcharima House, Central Area, Abuja 

Dress Code: Sports Attire 

Friday 3 June 2016

Do’s and Don’ts of Vaginal Hygiene (Must Read)

Proper vaginal hygiene can make a world of difference to our reproductive health. It can reduce the risk of acquiring infections, it can speed up recovery and prevent uncomfortable symptoms such as irritation and discharge. Take a look at some of the most important do’s and don’ts of vaginal hygiene.Continue...

What you don't Know about TYPHOID FEVER

TYPHOID FEVER is a life threatening illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 5,700 cases occur annually. Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where it affects about 21.5 millon persons each year.

SYMPTOMS: Severe Headache, High Fever ( 39 to 40 degree C), Chills, Dry cough, Rose spots or Rashes appearing on the lower chest and abdomen, abdominal tenderness, diarrhea, bloody stools, mild vomiting. Continue...

Know your Genotype Now and Save Nation

SAVE A LIFE....SAVE A NATION.... Save THE WORLD.... GENOTYPE ANALYSIS. Know your genotype before you say yes to that handsome guy or to that beautiful lady whom you wish to spend the rest of your life with...

Fresh Deadly Disease Breaks Out In Nigeria

The Federal Government on Friday alerted Nigerians to the outbreak of a killer disease known as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome in the country. TheMinister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, who announced the outbreak of the disease at a news conference in Abuja, said the disease had killed one person.

Adewole added that another person affected by the disease was responding to treatment at the National Hospital, Abuja. Urging Nigerians not to panic, Adewole said the Federal Government was doing everything possible to check the outbreak. Continue...

What goat meat does to men’s sperm count would left you surprised— Prof. Stephen

For those men desirous of ending their woes with low sperm count they can boost their fertility if they embrace a simple therapy: eat more goat meat and foods that contain different nutrients to boost their potency. 

Professor of Applied Zoology, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Stephen Oluwagbemiga, gave the advice at the annual lecture of the National Association of Zoology Students, University of Ilorin on Friday. Continue...

Sunday 29 May 2016

FREE Medical Checkup at our facility on 30th May, 2016

Finerish Blog in collaboration with Vecad Clinic Ltd invites you for a FREE Medical Checkup at our facility as part of our corporate and social responsibilities.
Date: 30th-31st May, 2016
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Venue: No. 4 Umuahia Close, Off Emeka Anyaoku Street Area 11, Garki Abuja. For enquiries, pls call: 08076617476
Happy Democracy Day! 

FREE Medical Surgery for ALL Children with Heart diseases

Please if you know of any child suffering from any heart condition that requires surgery, kindly refer them to “THE KOMFO ANOKYE TEACHING HOSPITAL ASOKORO ABUJA”. 
A group of surgeons will be conducting free surgeries for them.
Date: 10th – 21st November, 2016.
Time: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Venue: Hospital Facility Centre.
Please spread the WORD and SAVE a soul today!

Friday 13 May 2016


STUDENT: Sir, Is it appropriate and biblical to have urge for Sex or have affection for the opposite gender? Asked Ikenna. Cont...

How to Safeguard your Vagina 18+

To maintain a healthy vagina you must know what to do to avoid infection and it is equally important to educate your sexual partner on some of them to also help you help the vagina. Here are some few things you can do or avoid.

Friday 6 May 2016

Health benefits of Sour-Sop

Sour-sop is the creamy, strawberry-pineapple tasting fruit of the  tree Annona muricata, in the same family of trees as the pawpaw tree. Though it is becoming more commonly planted in Nigeria and other African countries, it is more native to the Americas in countries like Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador and others. Continue...

Thursday 5 May 2016

Wole Soyinka diagnosed of Cancer

Wole Soyinka, playwright and Nobel Laureate, has revealed that he has been diagnosed of prostate cancer.

Soyinka made the revelation recently in Abeokuta, Ogun State as part of his resolve to create awareness about cancer and help people take early measures to prevent cancers or seek early medical attention for cure. Continue...

How to Make Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) By NPHCDA

Oral Rehydration Solution is made by mixing Oral Rehydration Salts with water. Oral Rehydration Salts are sold in sachets and can be found in many medicine shops. Ask for ORS

To make Oral Rehydration Solution:
·         Boil 1 liter (2 big mineral bottles) of water. Let the water cool after boiling.
·         Mix 1 sachet of Oral Rehydration Salts in this water. Give the solution to your child to drink. Continue...

How to treat Children Diarrhoea (Runny Stomach) by NPHCDA

Most children who die from diarrhoea die because they do not have enough water left in their bodies. This is called dehydration. Any child with watery Diarrhoea is in danger of dehydration. You must act quickly to prevent death.

What to do when your child has diarrhoea: Give your child plenty of water to drink. If available, give your child Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). If you can't find ORS, give your child ‘Salt-Sugar Solution’. Give your child frequent sips of ORS or ‘salt-sugar’. Give at least 1 teacupful for every watery stool. Continue...

Wednesday 4 May 2016

5 Major reasons for many couple’s infertility issues - Dr.Wiwat Quangkananurug

Ways Many Men Are Unknowingly Killing Their Sperm – More and more men are finding it hard to produce these days. It is not that they are not sweating enough, or that they are “unhealthy”, but something is wrong.

Though other factors contribute, damaged sperm is a major reason for many a couple’s infertility issues. Continue...

How to eliminate vaginal odor and restore vaginal flora balance

Many women believe that vaginal odor are the result of a lack of personal hygiene and wash excessively their vagina unaware that they worsen the problem. While poor genital hygiene can be the cause, excessive washing is not the solution. Very often, women hampered by a strong vaginal odor should not begin to wash themselves intensively. That does not help at all. The first thing to do should be restoring the acidity and the balance of the vaginal flora naturally. That restoration cannot be done by excessive antibiotic intake; it decreases your immune system. Continue...

9 Reasons Why a Woman's Vaginal will smell

Vagina Odor is any odor that originates from the vagina. It’s normal for your vagina to have a slight odor. But, a strong vaginal odor. For instance, a fishy smell, might be abnormal and could indicate a problem.

It is normal that it has a certain odor sometimes. Whether this natural smell is neutral or not, it is a matter of personal judgment. In fact, some women notice their odor when there is no notable odor detected by their partners. Click to continue

Friday 22 January 2016

How To Solve A Problem Like Wearables

How To Solve A Problem Like Wearables

This year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas was the equivalent in size to 50 American football pitches so walking the expansive halls took both endurance and shoe leather. 
More than once, I overheard people say that they wish they had a pedometer so that they could see just how far they’ve walked. The reason that more people aren’t strapping fitness wearables to their wrists, despite their mass availability and low price points is, I believe, two-fold. Continue...

Taming Cancer

Taming Cancer

There’s no getting around it. Cancer is a formidable foe. Every new discovery reveals new complexities. We now know that cancer is no single disease, but many diseases. Lung cancer is different from prostate cancer, which is unlike leukemias and sarcomas.
We have every reason to be grateful for President Barack Obama’s recent pledge of more money for cancer research. It’s welcome news to the thousands of scientists worldwide whose tireless search for answers is finally making progress against this ancient nemesis. Continue...

10 Top Reasons Why You Should Work For Yourself?

Work For Yourself? Here Are My Top Reasons Why...

It’s true: starting a business can be a risky proposition. There are plenty of things that can go wrong and when they do, you’ve got no one to blame except yourself.
But for me, and for many people like me, the benefits of working for yourself far outweigh the risks. It’s true that you’re doing it alone, but you’re also making your own future.
Anyone can spell out the many reasons why starting a business is risky, but I want to tell you my top 10 reasons why it’s absolutely worth it: Continue...

10 essentials for entrepreneurs looking to build a successful brand

Ten essentials for entrepreneurs looking to build a successful brand

Here's what we can learn from the failures and successes of some global brands and entrepreneurs behind them.

1. Innovation is different from invention

What's common between Ferrari, Gmail, Walmart, Ola cabs, and FedEx? None of the founders invented the product or service they are offering. Most did not even move their second, but they managed to innovate and delight customers that resulted in billion dollar businesses. Continue..

10 Things You Need To Know About A Special Needs Family

10 Things You Need To Know About A Special Needs Family


I'm starting with this to point out that just because a family may be raising a child with special needs doesn't mean they are any different than any other family, so take time to get to know more about them. With that, and before I get into the basis of this post I am going to share a little about my family so that you have a better understanding on how blessed we have been with four intelligent young men and how I have been blessed with an amazing and supporting wife who continues to astound me with her warm heart, patience, dedication, love, and daily sacrifices for her family.  I know that I would not be able to carry the load alone so I thank God for her every day.  Continue...

Do This If You're Looking for A New Job

Do This If You're Looking for A New Job

2016 is finally here and with the start of the new year many workers are thinking about taking the time to look for a new job. In some ways, they're at an advantage. The beginning of the year is a great time to look for a new position. The holiday slump is over, everyone is more relaxed after a winter vacation, and companies are thinking ahead to the coming year, armed with a brand new budget.
But what is the best way to go about finding that perfect new position? Continue...

Build & fund a startup in 48 hours with this simple hack

Build & fund a startup in 48 hours with this simple hack

Startups really need five things in their first year:
  1. Investment (or revenue!)
  2. Talent
  3. Feedback from investors
  4. An MVP
  5. Attention (press, buzz, users, etc.) Continue... 

Be Assertive, But Not Too Much

Be Assertive, But Not Too Much

Quick: what’s the #1 quality of a good leader?
If you’re like most people, you probably think of intelligence, charisma, and self-discipline. In a study by Daniel Ames, a Columbia Business School professor, and Francis Flynn, a professor at Stanford Business School, these were the strengths mentioned most frequently by employees asked to describe their colleagues’ leadership abilities. Continue...

The problem with creativity is that it’s free.

The problem with creativity is that it’s free.  

It's weird to me that larger companies are routinely being threatened by startups.
How is it that Tesla's first car, is generally considered to be the best car ever made? Why didn't Hertz create Uber or Zipcar? or Nokia the iPhone? Continue...

Let’s not wait a century: 3 ways to close the gender gap now

Let’s not wait a century: 3 ways to close the gender gap now 
Last year, the World Economic Forum released an unsettling report: based on current trends, it would be another 81 years before women achieved economic equality in the workplace. Like most people, I was very troubled by these findings. After all, four decades means four more generations of unequal paychecks and unequal boardrooms. It means my college-aged daughter – and the women of her generation – would spend their entire lives working at a disadvantage. Continue...

Why We Snap at Work

Why We Snap at Work
 We’ve all seen it. A coworker flips out over a trivial incident and unloads an angry verbal assault on a stunned co-worker. The consequences of suddenly “losing it” in the workplace can be career changing. It is important to understand what happens in the brain when someone breaks abruptly from rational, peaceful, behavior and explodes in a blind rage as if bent on physical violence, and to appreciate why the workplace can become a common arena for snapping. Continue...

Why the Future Is Bright for the World’s Poorest Farmers

Why the Future Is Bright for the World’s Poorest Farmers 
I have probably learned more about farming in Africa from Sam Dryden than from any other person. Sam has spent decades working in agriculture, including a stint at the Gates Foundation, and he is passionate about improving the lives of the poorest. So when he asked me to contribute to a series of articles in Foreign Affairs on the future of farming and its role in fighting poverty, I was happy to do it. My essay is below. You can download the whole series—which includes authors like Kofi Annan and Sir Gordon Conway. Continue...

Sunday 10 January 2016

How to Quickly and Easily Talk to Strangers by Andrea Waltz

You know that awkward moment at a party or networking group when you meet someone and then you both stand there not knowing what to say next? It’s happened to us all. But it doesn’t have to. If you can teach yourself to tap into the power of questions you will never be faced with uncomfortable silences either at a party or a business event of any kind.  How? Continue...